Webshop news

Time to get excited about our BRAND NEW WEBSHOP!!!

As a company we always like to be in step with the newest technologies and floral trends, therefore we decided to update our webshop. The new webshop will incorporate all the best features of our current webshop, but in a more streamlined and user friendly way.

You will be able to use our quick search tool to search through all the price lists, grower direct links, black box collections and auction presale items, at once without switching between tabs. The modern layout will allow you to quickly browse through the site and get information about any product at the touch of a button. Our ABC search bar allows you to skip directly to the item you are looking for without having to go through all the available products. Our filter system will be able to filter your selection from all tabs at once based on your preferred criteria of height, weight, color, growers, variety name etc.

We want to give our users a quality shopping experience, so we have designed our webshop to cater not only to the desktop but also to the smartphone and tablet users. It is uniquely designed to fit every screen, making the viewing of the articles faster and the shopping easier.

We can’t wait for you to try out our new webshop, because we always strive for customer satisfaction may that be on a  desktop, tablet or smartphone and we believe that this new interface will truly satisfy all our customers floral shopping needs!

Stay tuned for more information on our new webshop. COMING SOON !

American Women’s Club of Amsterdam

The club was founded in the 1920’s when life in Amsterdam was a lot different.
The club grew from a handful of members to now having over 200 American and International womenforming true bonds of friendship and kinship in a foreign land.
The club holds monthly meetings, where the members get to socialize and enjoy each other’s company. Besides being a social club, the AWCA is also a philanthropic organiztaion, from helping battered women’s organization, through help funding programs to rehabilitate the homeless and the wayward youth  and to setting up the Carolyn Korthals Altes Scholarship, which helps members or their family member with the funding of their secondary education.
Tuning is proud to have sponsored the flowers for this year’s fundraiser the AWAC TULIP GALA !



Lilies of Life are masters at creating top quality lilies that always surprise us with their unusual colors and form. They are  a Tuning preferred lily grower when it come to Asiatic and LA Hybrid lilies found on our webshop.

Lilies of Life have been growing bulbs since 1931, the same year our company has started, since then have have specialized in growing exclusively lilies for over 4 decades and produce a whooping 9 million Lily stems yearly.

Their craftsmanship starts with selecting new Lilies of Life, always innovating and keeping up with the times, they choose the best lily bulbs from select dutch bulb growers, which are then planted in their ultra – modern greenhouses and are ready for harvest in 11 weeks. After harvesting the lilies are packaged within 30 seconds and to prevent quality deficiencies caused by a lack of water, they are put in water, which contains a post-harvest product for a longer vase life.

Get the best quality lilies through our webshop, contact you sales rep. for more information on lilies of life Today!



Dutch Peony season is about to start so get excited!

Florists can start buying peonies as early as February with the first available ones being the Israeli green house grown varieties, which are followed by the French greenhouse then field grown blossoms and last but not least the Dutch tunnel, greenhouse and field grown varieties.

Since the weather is heating up in Holland the first varieties of Dutch grown peonies are entering the market.


Peonies can be divided into early, middle and late-blooming varieties. The flowering time is  largely influenced by the location of the nursery and the growing environment, outdoor or indoor production.
Early-blooming Peonies (in order of blooming)

Already available varieties:

1. Paeonia ‘Flame’; single-flower Peony with shocking pink flowers
2. Paeonia ‘Coral Sunset’; large salmon-orange flowers, with the best fragrance of all Coral types
3. Paeonia ‘Red Charm’; very large, full, deep-red flower
4. Paeonia ‘Coral Charm’; flowers with unique orange-pink color
5. Paeonia ‘Many Happy Returns’; clear red, large-flowering, double Peony with oval-shaped buds
6. Paeonia ‘Command Performance’; very large, deep-red flowers

Blooming soon !

1. Paeonia ‘Alertie’; sweet-scented flower changes color from pink to light pink

2. Paeonia ‘Charle’s White’; full, white Peony with subtle fragrance
3. Paeonia ‘Diana Parks’; naturally-red color and fragrance, which is unusual in most red varieties
4. Paeonia ‘White Cap’; anemone-shaped, pink-red flower with contrasting full, white heart


Evert Haket has been in the Peony business for over 20 years, and they have become the biggest and best growers Holland has to offer. They harvests huge quantities of peonies without compromising on quality. When you buy peonies from Haket, you can be certain of one thing: you’re getting a quality product! And that’s quite the achievement. It’s a big challenge to produce peonies of such uniform quality without the use of greenhouses; every branch is different, with deviations in length, flower size and strength of the stem. It makes cutting and bunching the peonies more difficult and makes perfect sorting a necessity. At Hacket’s, all branches are harvested and sorted by the family themselves and bunched by hand to ensure that only the most perfect peonies will reach the customer.

It all starts early season with Flame, the official opener of peony season, immediately followed by – among others –  Gardenia, Henry Bockstoce, Red Sarah Bernhardt,Prarie Moon, Pecher (French), Dr Alexander Flemming, Shirley Temple Coral Charm and Coral Sunset and also exclusive varieties like Old Faithful and Etched Salmon. At full capacity, both nurseries produce a whopping thirty carts a day!

Check with your sales rep. for availability times of Peonies or visit our webshop!


